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Article 1.

The House Rules are an elaboration on the articles of association (statuten), as known to the KvK,(Dutch Chamber of Commerce). The House Rules regulate the daily affairs within the association.

Article 2.

In this document, ESFF Dekate Mousa is further referred to as ‘this association’. The term ‘house rules’ refers to the house rules of this association.

The term ‘articles of association’ refers to the articles of association of this association as known to the KvK.

The term ‘alumni’ refers to the alumni of this association.

The term ‘honorary members’ refers to the honorary members of this association. The term ‘regular members’ refers to the regular members of this association.

The term ‘members’ in article 7 refers to regular members, honorary members and alumni combined. The term ‘student-members’ refers to regular members who are studying at a higher educational institution.

The term ‘board’ refers to the board of this association. The board consists of members of the association. The term ‘chairman’ refers to the chairman of thus association, unless clearly stated otherwise. The term ‘General Members Meeting’ refers to the general members meeting of this association.

Article 3.

In case the house rules are contradictory to the articles of the association, then the articles of the association apply.

Article 4.

Alterations in the house rules can be decided upon during a general members meeting which is summoned in the same way as a members meeting is summoned in which a proposed change in the articles of the association are discussed. Decisions upon an alteration in the house rules can only be taken when a majority of two-third of the votes casted are in favour, irrespective of the number of enfranchised members present at that particular meeting.

Article 5.

The annual fee for regular members and alumni is € 35,-.

The annual fee for honorary members is € 0,-.

The fee for a regular member who joins the association after the end of the second quartile of the academic year will pay only € 20,- in the first year of his/her membership

If a member would like to use the facilities, then a deposit of € 30,- needs to be paid.

Article 6.

Regulation of the usage of equipment by members is further specified in the lending regulations. The exploitation of the studio is further specified in the studio regulation. The conditions for travel allowance are further specified in the travel allowance regulation. The lending regulation, studio regulation and travel allowance regulation can be established and altered in the same way as the house rules are established and altered.

Article 7.

This association organises regular members meeting for the promotion of the contact between the members, for communicating information to the members, for the exchange of experiences between the members, for taking note of the work of the members, for looking into documents of the association or for a special topics.

The dates of these members meetings are established during the general members meeting.

Article 8.

Only natural persons can become a member of this association. All persons studying at the Technical University of Eindhoven, Fontys, Design Acadamy or any other higher educational institution are eligible for the regular membership.

Membership gives the regular members, alumni and honorary members the following rights:

  • Attending member meetings.
  • Following the courses organized by this association.
  • Lending the equipment meant for lending in compliance with the rules described in the lending
  • Usage of the studio of this association in compliance with the rules described in the studio regulation.
  • Declaring traveling expenses conform to the rules described in the travel allowance regulation.
  • Participating in other, for members intended, activities organized by this association.
  • Attending the general members meeting and presenting propositions and amendments.
  • Taking a seat in the committees of this association.
    Regular members are also allowed to cast their vote during a general members meeting. The right
    connected to the membership do not apply when:
  • The particular member is suspended
  • The particular member did not pay the membership fee.

Article 9.

Honorary members are appointed at by a general members meeting on the recommendation of the board or on recommendation of at least 8 other regular members.

Article 10.

The board needs approval of the general members meeting for expenses exceeding € 250,-.

Article 11.

The general members meeting is opened by the chairman, or, in case of absence of the chairman, by another member. In case the meeting is not opened by the chairman, the general members meeting establishes as next point on the agenda appointing a chairman for the meeting.

Article 12.

Propositions and amendments which are presented during a general members meeting are brought to a vote when they are accepted by the chairman of the meeting or if they are supported by at least two enfranchised members present at the meeting. Propositions and amendments which are related to the same subject, will be treated in order of influence, starting with the most influential proposition or amendments.

A proposition concerning the order will be discussed before the other propositions. The remaining propositions will be treated in the order in which they were proposed.

Article 13.

Enfranchised members have the possibility to cast their vote in writing in case of absence during the general members meeting.

Written voting is only possible when it concerns pre-concerned subjects, with which there are no requirements in the articles of association about the number of members present at the meeting. A written voting needs to be communicated to the board before the General Members Meeting. In case the written vote is not unambiguously provided in the phrasing of the proposition or amendment, will this vote be regarded as a blank vote with respect to the proposition or amendment respectively.

Article 14.

In case the association receives an assignment from a third party, the board is responsible for assuring that the assignment is executed as far as possible. For promotion of the practical photography experience it is preferred to assign a less experienced member, accompanied by an experienced member for guidance. A member that perform an assignment will receive a compensation related to the assignment, for his/her efforts. In the case that the board does not succeeds in finding members for the assignment, under the above conditions, then the assignment will be rejected by the board.

Article 15.

In article 8 of the House Rules is included who qualify for the regular membership of the association. In article 5, section 1 of the articles of association is included that the General Members Meeting judges if a non-student can become a regular member. In this article follows a specification:

The General Members Meeting has possibility to revise the status of a regular member that became a member as a non-student. The motivation for this judgement is the degree of participation in the association and if the fact that the person is not a student anymore hinders the association or the student members in their activities.

The maximum duration of a regular membership of a non-student is two year. After these two year, the regular members automatically receives the status alumni, unless the General Members Meeting states otherwise.

The number of regular members appointed by the General Members Meeting may not exceed a third of the number of student-members.

Thus, established by the General Members Meeting of 15 March 2022, with the latest revisions dating 07-03-2022.

Daphne Dorrestijn
Chairwoman Board 2022
E.S.F.F. Dekate Mousa