Below you can find the activities that we have planned. Stay up-to-date on our activities by visiting our Instagram page.
Calendar of Events
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Astro Photography / Bokeh (Open)
Astro Photography / Bokeh (Open)
Photo by Yash Raut on Unsplash We will start the new year with a wonderful activity, Astro Photography, where will try to make long-exposure pictures of a beautiful starry night. According to our calendar this is the right time, as we will be accompanied by the (lack of) light of a new moon, which will...Continue Reading "Astro Photography / Bokeh (Open)"
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Lunafest Expo Kick-Off Meeting (Scala)
Lunafest Expo Kick-Off Meeting (Scala)
For this activity, we want to introduce The DM x KL!NK x Glyph Luna Festival Exhibition Workgroup! (really need to come up with a shorter name... ). Wanna help us with that or share your creativity with us in any other way? Join us at the kick-off on Thursday 11-01 at 19:00 in the Luna...Continue Reading "Lunafest Expo Kick-Off Meeting (Scala)"
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Assignment Workshop (Members Only)
Assignment Workshop (Members Only)
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash Every Year, DM does assignments for a lot of people in TU/e and beyond, assignments which not only pay our members, but they also allow them to develop a portfolio, and gain valuable hands-on experience in shooting events. The best place for you to start, should you be interested, is...Continue Reading "Assignment Workshop (Members Only)"
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Fairytale Photos: Lunafest Expo (Scala)
Fairytale Photos: Lunafest Expo (Scala)
Come join us on January 23rd to help us with creating magical fairytale-like pictures for this year's Lunafest Expo. We will make use of a greenscreen to allow for crazy editing effects. We will work together with KL!NK and Glyph to create an amazing Expo this year.
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Scala Movie Night
Scala Movie Night
Photo by: Krists Luhaers on Unsplash Want to wind down after your exams? Excited to hang out with all of your Scala friends? Then make sure to come join us for a movie night in the Zwarte Doos this Friday! Open to all Scala members. We will watch a movie together, and head to Hubble...Continue Reading "Scala Movie Night"